Science Intent statement
We greatly value Science as a key aspect of our curriculum, which relates to many other subject areas. It allows children the opportunity to explore and understand the world around them and the uses and impact of science today and for the future. At Sefton Park Schools, we aim to promote curiosity and develop many key skills to help children ask questions and deepen their understanding. Provided with a range of appropriate experiences and resources, children are encouraged to take part in hands-on investigations, predict outcomes and present and evaluate their findings. Science at Sefton Park aims to ensure that all pupils develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. We provide pupils with the opportunity to “work scientifically” and there are plenty of opportunities to develop scientific enquiry such as pattern seeking, classifying and grouping and fair testing.
Confident active learners - Science learning builds upon prior knowledge and a progression of skills to ensure all children have a secure understanding and knowledge of key scientific concepts. Our curriculum develops creativity and challenges all of our learners through confident and inclusive teaching practice. Children are facilitated to make informed choices about the most appropriate challenges for them to undertake to further their learning. We support children to embrace challenges positively and confidently. An ethos is fostered in which risk taking is encouraged and mistakes are valued. Science at our school Inspires and excites pupils through engaging practical sessions which are enriched with visits and visitors
Creativity - We place great importance on creativity and foster creative scientific thinking, including through problem solving and investigative contexts. Creativity is valued and modelled with children being encouraged to approach science differently, to find patterns and to use, share and explain their different ideas, methods and perspectives, alongside being taught specific scientific knowledge and skills. Collaboration is fostered, encouraging learners to share ideas. Children’s interests are followed and pupils have ownership over the direction of their learning. Children have opportunities to work in small groups to carry out investigations, learning how to persevere, share ideas and analyse results just like real scientists do. They gain broad scientific knowledge, as well as a strong sense of curiosity and scientific understanding that will help them to become lifelong learners.
Curiosity- We aim to foster children’s natural curiosity- their desire to find out and to know- and provide contexts and problems which encourage them to develop their skills in working scientifically. Pupils are excited by our topics, and enjoy asking and answering their own questions about science. Pupils follow their own interests, create their own experiments and are supported to analyse and reflect upon their results. We aim to develop aspirational learners with an awareness of the key role that science plays within our community and the world and the opportunities that this creates for future careers.