Equalities Objectives
Sefton Park Infant and Junior Schools offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations for all children.
The achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our pupils matter. We are committed to working together to provide an inspirational and exciting learning environment where all children can develop an enthusiasm for life-long learning. We believe that children should feel happy, safe and valued so that they gain a respectful, caring attitude towards each other and the environment both locally and globally.
We are committed to meeting the legal duty set out in the Equality Act 2010. We believe that the Equality Act provides a framework to support our commitment to valuing diversity, tackling discrimination, promoting equality and fostering good relationships between people. It also ensures that we continue to tackle issues of disadvantage and underachievement of different groups. You can read about how we meet the requirements of the Equality Act in the document below.
Equalities Objectives
Public bodies, including local-authority-maintained schools, are covered by the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011. This means the school must publish:
• details of how the school is complying with the public sector equality duty – this will be updated annually
• the school's equality objectives – this has to be updated at least once every 4 years.
Below is :
- The Equalities Policy & Objectives for 2020-2024, which sets out the objectives we have agreed for Sefton Park schools, plus details on our legislative requirements and the checklist used by staff and governors that ensures we comply with our public sector equality duty.
- Details of how the school is complying with the public duty sector equality duty - this is updated annually.