Over the school year, the PTA runs a variety of events which include:
- Community Events: Summer and Winter Fairs, Christmas Tree Sale & Jumble Sale;
- Family Events: Film Night, World on a Plate, School Disco & Friday Food Fests;
- Evening Events for adults: Quiz Night & Auction of Promises.
The PTA works in partnership with the school to fund items and opportunities that will enhance and enrich the education experience of all the children at the school.
The funds can be used to provide equipment for the outdoor space, classrooms or school clubs. Or it can be used to fund visiting theatre productions, music, drama or art workshops. The PTA also runs free events where the focus is on providing a fun experience for the children.
Recently the PTA funds have gone towards the improvement of the outdoor spaces and refurbishment of the Junior School Library.
All parents and carers with children at Sefton Park School are automatically part of the PTA. Each class has a PTA rep (or team of Reps) who are responsible for coordinating teams of reps in their class and organising their class contributions to events. There is a PTA committee which liaises with school about funding priorities and oversees the organisation of events.
The PTA is made up of all the Parents, Carers and Teachers at the school and works solely though people volunteering their time and donating items. There are a number of different ways to support the work of the PTA, depending on how much time you have to give or how involved you would like to be. Any involvement is welcome and very much appreciated!
For more information about the PTA:
Visit the Sefton Park Schools PTA website
Follow us on our Sefton Park PTA Facebook Page
Contact the Chair: