Full Governing Body
The governing body consists of governors drawn from parents, the Headteacher and Deputy, support staff, members of the local community and governors nominated by the local education authority.
School Governors are like the board of a company. The Governing Body exists to provide strategic direction for the school, and to ensure, through monitoring, that the school is providing the appropriate high standards of education for its pupils. The school governors work to support and challenge the school as it works towards its aims and priorities.
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Governors are unpaid volunteers who act as individuals in what they believe to be the best interests of the school – they do not ‘represent’ a particular constituency. The full Governing Body meets six times a year and there are a number of sub-committees that meet regularly. The Governors have all signed up to a Code of Conduct, which sets out in detail how the governing Body should operate.
What do school governors do?
· Oversee the budget
· Oversee the school curriculum
· Provide strategic oversight to the school
· Help recruit staff
· Monitor the performance of the school, e.g. in examinations and key stage tests
· Advise on school policies and procedures
· Provide a vital means for parents and the community to get their views heard by the governing body as a whole
If you would like any further information about the governing body, or have any matters you would like to raise with governors, related to the strategic issues outlined above, please contact the Chair or Clerk via the school office, or via the Chair of Governors’ e-mail address: chairgovernors@seftonparkschools.co.uk