Maths Intent statement
We recognise the importance of maths as a foundation for understanding the world, integral to many aspects of life and an important life skill. It equips us with the skills and tools to reason logically, problem solve and think in abstract ways. We aim to enable children to be confident and competent in dealing with a wide range of mathematical experiences, able to reason mathematically, perceiving the relevance of mathematics to their lives and using the skills acquired to solve problems in a variety of contexts.
Confident active learners: children are provided with a range of challenges, including those with a low floor and high ceiling, avoiding ideas around fixed mathematical ability. They are facilitated to make informed choices about the most appropriate challenges for them to undertake to further their learning. We support children to embrace challenges positively and confidently. An ethos is fostered in which risk taking is encouraged and mistakes are valued. Seeking to understand is valued over merely providing correct answers, with a recognition that the greatest feelings of achievement come after those of struggle.
Creativity- We place great importance on creativity and foster creative mathematical thinking, including through problem solving and investigative contexts. Creativity is valued and modelled with children being encouraged to see maths differently, to find patterns and to use, share and explain their different ideas, methods and perspectives, alongside being taught efficient procedures. Collaboration is fostered, encouraging learners to share ideas. Children have ownership of methods and ideas and their solutions are valued and explored.
Curiosity- We aim to foster children’s natural curiosity- their desire to find out and to know- and provide contexts and problems which exploit and develop this and provoke them to ask mathematical questions. We provide time for children to become absorbed in considering their thinking.
Maths Policy and supporting information
We recognise the importance of mathematics as a foundation for understanding the world and an important life skill; we aim to enable children to be confident and competent in dealing with a wide range of mathematical experiences, able to reason mathematically, perceiving the relevance of mathematics to their lives and using the skills acquired to solve problems in a variety of contexts.
Below is a link to our maths policy and guidance on progression in teaching and learning addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
How to help your child at home
You will find below a number of supporting documents which provide an insight into how we teach maths in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, as well as lots of hints and tips on how you can help at home.