Admissions Policy
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Sefton Park Infant School
Nursery Admissions Policy
The school and Governors look forward to welcoming children into the Nursery which is the beginning of the Foundation Key Stage. The following sets out how the policy will be applied to those applying for places at the Nursery, Sefton Park Infant School, as agreed by the Governing Body.
Aims and Principles
- To have a fair and consistent process of allocation
- Services should be child-centred
- All activity should promote educational achievement
- Universal provision including for children in need
- Consistent quality across provision with measurable outcomes
- Recognition that staff development is crucial to quality
- Consistent curriculum offered across settings
- Partnership with parents
- Family support services integrated with childcare and education are crucial to holistic childcare approach
- All provision should adopt integrated equalities approach
- Inclusive provision
- Partnership with other providers: Best Value approach to provision
- Services should be locally accessible
Places Available include:
Universal Entitlement – 15 hours per week, term time only, from the term after the third birthday.
Extended Entitlement – 30 hours per week, term time only.
Eligibility Criteria for Extended Entitlement (free 30hr places)
Eligibility for a 30hr place will be as follows:
- 30 hour places are only available for children who are 3 or 4 years old
- Both parents must be working – or the sole parent is working in a lone parent family
- Each parent earns, on average, a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at National
Minimum Wage or National Living Wage
- Each parent must have an annual income of less than £100,000
- One/both parent(s) is away on leave (parental, maternal etc.) or one/both parent(s) is on Statutory sick pay
- Parents on zero-hours contracts will be eligible, as are those who are registered as self-employed
- One parent is employed and the other parent has either: substantial caring responsibilities and/or disability; is a foster carer with their own three-and four-year-old children
To register eligibility for a 30hr Nursery Place parents must register on-line at
Only a valid eligibility code will guarantee the funding of the additional 15hrs under this entitlement and it is the parent(s)/carer(s) responsibility to provide this. The school will not hold a place for a child whose parent/carer is still ‘applying’ or ‘re-applying’ or has lost their eligibility code.
Grace period
A child who comes ineligible during the first half of a term should be funded until the end of
that term or for as long as they remain under Compulsory School Age, whichever is shorter.
A child who becomes ineligible during the second half of a term should be funded until the end of
the following term or for as long as they remain under Compulsory School Age, whichever is
When the grace period or code lapses the place will revert to a universal 15 hour place. If the
place is filled by the time the code is refreshed/renewed a further 30hr place can be refused. The
financial sustainability of the school is essential and therefore we reserve the right to fill any
vacant spaces.
Parents will be prompted every 3 months to reconfirm the details they entered are still correct.
They will be prompted by HMRC by email or text 4 weeks before, then again 2 weeks before.
Schools meals
Parents/carers attending a 30hr place must provide children with a healthy packed lunch each day which must be brought into school at the start of the morning session.
All nursery schools and classes should send their offers of places to Bristol parents during May or as
soon as possible thereafter. Whilst there is no specific date by which full time places should be
allocated, places will be left unfilled for as little time as possible. Places will not be held vacant for
children who might apply, and vacancies arising during the year will be offered to the next child who
meets the admission criteria.
Priority for allocating places will be as follows:
• Children who are “Looked After” (in care) aged 3 by the end of August.
• Children with additional needs or are in need aged 3 by the end of August.
• Siblings of pupils already on roll at Sefton Park Schools.
• Then on a first come, first served basis i.e. in order of application received by the school office, whilst ensuring a balanced provision.
And finally those requesting a January start date.
Additional sessions can be booked if available and paid for through the school.
Arrangements for offering places
1. A representative of the Governing Body of the school will be involved in the allocation of
2. Admission to Sefton Park Nursery does not guarantee an automatic right to continued
education at the school, and parents/carers will need to apply for a place in a Reception class at
the appropriate time, as advised by the local authority.
3. Regular attendance is required to maintain a place in the nursery class or school, but close
liaison should take place with health visitors or social workers as appropriate if there are concerns.
4. A meeting will be held at school for all parents where there will be an opportunity to meet many
of the agencies involved in school life.
5. Children will have a phased induction to the Nursery during September.
6. Staff will visit the child prior to admission to meet them in their own environment if
If a parent has a complaint about any aspect of our delivery of the free hours, they can contact
Bristol City Council to discuss it further. They can email the Family information service, or call 0845 1297217.
A copy of the Complaints Procedure for Parents is also available from the School Office but parents are welcome to write in the first instance to the Governing Body if they have any concerns/complaints about the admission procedure, policy, or arrangements.